Wednesday 12 June 2013

Are you Suffering from Debt Anxiety?

Debt is something that can heavily have an impact on the mental state of a person especially when these debts are out of their control.  Knowing that you have an outstanding debt that needs to paid off immediately can substantially build up anxiety in one’s mind. Be aware of debt-related anxiety, what it does to your body and what you can do to cope and prevent its occurrence.

Money Worries and Anxiety - You only have to turn on the news to see people suffering from debt problems.  With debt, more and more people in the UK are visiting their GP’s with stress and anxiety.

Canadians admit to debt anxiety: study - A new Royal Bank survey shows more Canadians are feeling anxiety over their debt, something many post-secondary students say they are familiar with.

Anxiety Over Debt Is Not A Death Sentence  - Anxiety often seems like it controls us, especially in today’s uncertain climate where job security is virtually nonexistent and struggling with debt seems like an insurmountable task.

Debt and Mental Health: Is an Over-Reliance on Plastic Wealth Having a Detrimental Impact on Society? - While some may consider the concepts of mental illness and debt to be far removed from one another, there is research to suggest that the two are inextricably linked.

Are you suffering from frugal or debt fatigue? - Yes, I know I was stupid for not having been more frugal during my college years to have taken on a roommate or two, or to scrimp on my spending, so really I’m just paying for past transgressions. I am responsible for the debt, but I was kicking myself in the proverbial butt for not having watched my money sooner and started budgeting or tracking expenses.

 Healthwatch: Credit Debt Stress
Are you suffering from a financial holiday hangover? Depression, stress, and anxiety can be contributed to being in debt. In this segment, we take a look at how to tackle those post-Christmas credit card bills. Keri Ferguson has the details in this segment of Healthwatch.

Ways to avoid and cope with debt related anxiety

Financial Free for all: 9 Tips to Avoid Money Anxiety - The following is a guest post. If interested in submitting a guest post, please read my guest posting policy and then contact me.

7 Exclusive tips to cope with debt trauma and anxiety - Are you seeing a gloomy future as of your swelling debt burdens? Are you thinking to make an escape leaving all the worries behind? When you get into debt and struggle to get out of it, you often become anxious; and the overwhelming stress and tension can lead your toward depression.

How to Control Anxiety Over Bad Credit - It’s not uncommon to find yourself in a poor financial situation. Layoffs, underperforming investments, unforeseen expenses, and budgeting mistakes can all lead to issues with managing your finances, and when those issues start to cause debt, it can lead to bad credit.

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