Wednesday 5 June 2013

Tips, Tricks and Advice on Paying Off College Loans for You or Your Child

Next to basic needs, education is found among the tops of priorities that people hope to fulfil. Although basic education is offered for a minimal price or even free in some states, college is a different thing. Tuition fee can skyrocket and this is what people get worried about. Some people only resort is to apply for a college loan that they will have to pay off after college. Below is a list of blog articles that we found very helpful when it comes to providing information on college loans and paying it off.

4 Mistakes I Made with My Student Loans and How You Can Avoid Them - It’s been hard to come to terms with, but I need to face the facts: I’m not in college anymore. In fact, this spring marks two years since I graduated from college and went into repayment on my student loans.

How I Paid My Student Loans Off 19 Years Early! Oh, Joy!!! - It’s graduation season.  Every night on the news I see highlights of the commencements ceremonies of all the local colleges. 

Pay Off Student Loans or Start Investing: What's the Better Choice? - As the CEO of growth stage investing service Betterment, I’m a huge advocate for getting invested early. Time in the market is one of the biggest factors in building long-term wealth. But it’s not as simple as it sounds.

How to Pay Your Student Loans with Everyday Spending - If you’re like many college-educated women in their late twenties and thirties, you probably still have student loan debt to pay down.

Yes, You Can Go To College and Not End Up With Crushing Debt - Washington’s latest politically manufactured crisis will make student loan interest rates double to 6.8 percent on July 1. That’s nine times higher than the rate banks currently pay the Federal Reserve to borrow.

How to get a college loans paid off..for free?? - There are some brand new government programs out there that may be able to help you with your student loans. On the surface, they sound great. What’s that?

The Payoff: Student debt and working within your major - Over half of Milligan students take out federal student loans, and in order to payoff their loans after graduation many of those students may have to take a job that has nothing to do with their major.

The Post-College Survival Guide - You took the walk with your cap and gown. You have that diploma in your hand. You're ready to tackle the world. But where the heck do you start?

Student Loan Forgiveness Bill: Any Chance It Will Pass?

 About 20 students and college graduates and Occupy Colleges activists also joined the group. Their argument: forgiving student debt would fix the economy.

College loans can be your best choice in being able to achieve higher education. Paying it off may be difficult but there is nothing better than knowing that you were able to get a degree.

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